Copying files or entire folders can be done with AirDrop, but if you want to browse, copy and even rename documents on another other iPad then you can use FileBrowser's iPad connection wizard.
To use AirDrop from FileBrowser, tap a file or folder's context menu or select several files and choose "Share" from the toolbar menu. Now select "AirDrop" and choose from the list of devices to start the transfer. On the other device you'll need to tap Accept, and then select an app to save the files or folders in.
If you want to browse, copy or even rename files or folders on another iPad then follow these steps on how to enable it and connect to it:
Open up an iPad or iPhone for sharing its content:
You can stop the server on this device at any time by tapping on this icon to the right of the path breadcrumb.
Now connect from your other iPad or iPhone, so switch devices and follow these steps: