Advanced File Searching for iOS

Search by Type, Date, Size, Excluding Text or use Regex on your iPhone or iPad

Search for files using FileBrowser Professional filter your search results by Type, Date or Size. Exclude files matching text or use regular expressions (Regex). Combine all of these options for the most powerful file search on your iPhone / iPad.

Narrow your Searches

Search file names and further narrow your search by adding a does not contain parameter to narrow your searches.

Example: Search for "x" and does not contain "x".
Advanced file searching on iOS

Search Types

Choose which file types you want to search for, either by selecting a file group such as: Images, Documents, Videos or PDFs. You can also search for specific file types using the input field.

Example: "nef" or "nef, psd, pdf"
Use advanced search to limit your files to specific file types on iPad


Filter your search results to only include files or folders within a given date range. Choose from a preset such as 24hrs, week, month etc, or use the custom option and input your own date range.

Search for files using specific dates on iOS


Add a size range to your search results, searching for "x" but only including files over 10mb. Choose from our set of size presets.

Search for files by size on iPad/iPhone

Search Combinations

You can combine all the search options above into a single powerful search. allowing you to quickly and easily find your files or folders.

Load and Save Searches

After you have created a search you can save it and run it from the search panel on any folder.

Speed up your daily tasks, such as searching for PDFs in the last 24hrs.

Create and save complex file searches using FileBrowser Professional

Live Searching

Update the contents of the current folder as you enter your search or change the filters. This can be enabled by tapping the "Preferences" button in the search panel and turn on "Search while typing".

A full search is required to search sub folders.
Use FileBrowser Professional's live searching

Regex Searches

Use regular expressions (regex) to search for specific patterns rather than a set of words. You can match files that begin or end with your search parameter. A search like this "[0-9]{4}" will return files that have a 4 numbers together in the filename.

Regex examples:

  • [bc]at Match the characters 'b or c' and charcters 'at' for example 'bat' or 'cat'
  • [^bc]at When using a ^ inside brackets it means not including so this example would match 'pat', but not 'bat' or 'cat'
  • [0-9]{4} A group of 4 numbers, change the number in the curly brackets to change how many numbers.
  • [a-z]{4} A group of 4 characters, change the number in the curly brackets to change how many characters.
  • b.t Search for the character 'b' the dot equals a single character then 't' so would return 'bat' or 'bot'. To return 'beet' you would use b..t
  • ^dog the ^ means files starting with so "dog park" but not "bath dog".
  • \.pdf$ the \ means files ending with so "pdf" the $ means that this must be the end of the filename. Otherwise 'doc.pdf.txt' would match.
  • (cat|dog) Matches either word

FileBrowser isn't limited to just these examples. You can use the full list of regex searches.

Searches are not case sensitive.

Use Regex searches to find files using your iPad/iPhone

Upgrade to FileBrowser Professional

If you already own FileBrowser, use the App Store 'Complete my Bundle' feature to add FileBrowser Professional and just pay the difference.

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