Install the ZeroTier Mac app

Installing the Mac client

  1. Download the Mac installer package "ZeroTier One.pkg" from

  2. Double-click the downloaded package to install it on your Mac.

  3. In Applications, launch the ZeroTier One app.launch the ZeroTier One app

  4. An icon will appear in the top-right toolbar of your desktop Open the ZeroTier Mac app and click Join Network. Left click the icon and select "Open Control Panel..."

    You should see the dialog shown below, if you dont see the "Join Network" section resize the dialog.
    Open the ZeroTier Control Panel on Mac Enter your Network ID into the field and click "Join Network".
    Your Network ID can be found on the ZeroTier webpage.

    Use the Network ID from the ZeroTier website to enter into the ZeroTier Mac app

    If you still dont see the "Join Network" option, then open a Terminal window and type "zerotier-cli join (your Network ID)" then press enter.

    In the ZeroTier Dialog enter the Network ID
  5. If you now click the ZeroTier icon, you should see a tick next to the network ID. This means that it is trying to connect but hasn't yet been authorized. To do this we need to go to the web UI where we created the network. In the ZeroTier Mac app you should see a tick next to your network id

  6. Refresh the ZeroTier Networks browser page and scroll right to the bottom. The list of devices that are either active on the network or are wanting to connect are shown here.
    Refresh the ZeroTier webpage and your Mac should be listed
    The 'Address' is the same as the "Node ID" shown in the ZeroTier Mac app menu, so we know that this is my Mac trying to connect. To authorize it, simply tick the box on the left-hand side (1). Filling in the Short Name field (2) will help you keep track of all your devices. I've called this "My iMac", and ZeroTier has assigned the IP address to it. This IP address is only accessible by other devices connected to your ZeroTier network. Nobody else will be able to access this from the Internet. We will use this IP address in FileBrowser later to connect to this computer.

  7. That's it. We're connected. From the ZeroTier client app "Preferences..." menu item you can enable "Start ZeroTier One on system startup" to save you having to find the app each time you need it.

Next Step
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Connect securely to your files over VPN from your iPad or iPhone while away from home.


Do you Have a Synology NAS?

If you are Trying to Connect to your Synology via a VPN, you can connect using Synology's OpenVPN server package. View our guide here.

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